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Privacy Policy


PMSTORE (collectively "we", “us”, the "Company") respect the privacy rights of visitors to the Company’s website and mobile app and of individuals who participate in, access or sign up to any of the Company's services, activities or online content including without limitation our business partners’ products and services (collectively referred to as "Services"). 

We endeavour to ensure that all our collection, transmission, storage and usage of personal data is carried out in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the "PDPO"). By providing your personal data to us, you are consenting to this Privacy Policy.


The term "personal data" shall have the meaning ascribed to it by the PDPO.



You need not supply any personal data in order to access the Company’s website or mobile app. 

When you participate in, access or sign up to any of the Services, personal data is collected from you to enable us to provide you with the Services. You may decline to provide us with the requested personal data, but in such case we may not be able to provide the Services to you. By submitting your personal data you consent to the use of that data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement.


Personal data collected from you may be used by the Company for, without limitation: 


  • identifying you and any accounts you hold with us

  • enabling the provision of the Services to you 

  • conducting identity verification and/or credit checks

  • determining and verifying your eligibility for discounts and promotions on products and services 

  • processing of payment instructions or collection of amounts outstanding from you in relation to the provision of the Services

  • order processing, billing and fulfilment 

  • conducting research, statistical analysis and behavioural analysis

  • making suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our Services or goods and services that may interest you or them

  • customising the Company’s website and its content to your particular preferences

  • provisioning of customer services 

  • handling your complaints and account enquiries, and handling any claim, action and/or proceedings against the Company or any party

  • fraud prevention and detection

  • auditing purposes

  • making such disclosures as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations 

  • any other purposes directly related to the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected




Types of personal data collected by the Company may include, without limitation:


  • Your personal information and contact information such as your name, telephone number, social media contact, email address, residential address, mailing address, and billing address;

  • Your business information such as company name and business title;

  • Your account details, including credit card account numbers, or user accounts;

  • Your payment transaction details with PMSTORE; 

  • IP address, real-time geographic location data, browser settings, browsing records, and/or other Internet log information of your computer or mobile device; and  




All personal data collected and held by the Company will be kept confidential, but where disclosure is necessary for the Company to comply with any statutory obligations or requirements, or for the Company to provide the Services to you or to carry out the original purpose, or a directly related purpose, for which the personal data were collected, those data may be provided to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong):


  • Competent court of law, law enforcement agencies, or other governmental or statutory authorities, institutions or organisations; 

  • Any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company including a member of its group of companies, IT consultants, data processors, auditors, accountants, or lawyers, which has undertaken to keep such information confidential; and 


Any questions, comments, suggestions or information other than personal data sent or posted to our website, or any part of the site by you will be considered as voluntarily provided to the Company on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis. We reserve the right to use, reproduce, disclose, transmit, publish and/or post elsewhere such information freely, including passing it to any associated company for example, in connection with the development and marketing of services and to meet user needs. 


All reasonable efforts are made to ensure that any personal data held by the Company is stored in a secure and safe place.


All personal data which we collect is kept confidential to the best of our ability. You will appreciate however, that we cannot guarantee the security of transmission. 




If you choose, or you are provided with, a user identification code, password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential. 

You must not disclose it to any third party. If your mobile number is used for account login, you shall ensure that timely update is made by logging in to your account at “Account Profile” when your mobile number is to be changed or returned to your mobile operator. This is important to ensure that your account information will not be accessed by a third party who may have acquired the right to use your discarded mobile number. You are solely responsible for securing your account in this particular way. We shall have no liability to you for any loss or damage in this regard.


Unless there is a mandatory legal requirement for us to keep your personal data for a specified period, we will only retain your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected. 




A cookie is a small text file which is placed onto your computer (or other electronic device) when you access the Company’s website. We use cookies on our website to:


  • recognise you whenever you visit this website

  • obtain information about your preferences, viewing and browsing behaviour, online movements and use of the Internet

  • keep track of the items stored in your shopping basket and take you through the checkout process

  • carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve our Services and to help us better understand our visitor and customer requirements and interests

  • make your online experience more efficient and enjoyable

  • For security needs and fraud-protection purposes and in order to identify and prevent  cyber-attacks


The information we obtain from our use of cookies may not contain your personal data. Although we may obtain information about your computer or other electronic device such as IP address, browser settings, browsing records, and/or other Internet log information, this may not be able to identify you personally. To the extent that non-personal data is combined with personal data, we treat the combined data as personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy Statement. In certain circumstances we may collect personal data about you, but only where you voluntarily provide it by completing an online form, or where you purchase goods from our website or use the Services. 


If you want to disallow the use of cookies, you can do so on your own web browser. If you disable cookies, you acknowledge that you may not be able to use some of the functionality of our website.




This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to the Company’s website. Our website may contain links to other sites and pages. By activating a link, such as for example by clicking on the banner of an advertiser, you leave our website and the Company does not exercise control over any personal data or any other information you give to any other entity after you have left our website. Access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk.




If you have any query in relation to the Company’s privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us, you may contact us by email (


The Company reserves the right to charge you a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request as permitted by the PDPO.


In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this Privacy Policy, the English version shall prevail.


We keep this Privacy Policy under regular review and place updates on our website from time to time.


Thank you for your attention. 


Last Updated: August 2022



PMSTORE (以下簡稱為「我們」、「本公司」) 尊重任何使用本公司網頁及移動應用程式的人士或參加本公司的活動或登記使用本公司的服務或網上內容包括但不限於我們合作夥伴的產品及服務(以下簡稱為「服務」) 的人士的私隱權。











  • 識別你的身分及你開設的任何賬戶

  • 為你提供服務

  • 核實身分及/或作信貸審查

  • 確定及核實你享用商品和服務的折扣及促銷的資格

  • 讓本網站儲存你的個人資料,以免你每次購買產品或更新產品時需要重新輸入相關資料

  • 處理訂單、開出賬單及履行訂單

  • 進行顧客數據分析及分析你的購物喜好

  • 就我們的服務或你感興趣的商品或服務向你推薦

  • 設計本公司網站及內容,迎合你的特定喜好

  • 為你提供客戶服務

  • 處理你的投訴及賬戶查詢

  • 防範及阻止欺詐

  • 審計目的

  • 按適用法律、規則及規例的規定作出披露

  • 任何與收集個人資料的原來目的直接有關之其他用途







  • 你的個人資料及聯絡資料,如姓名、電話號碼、社交媒體連結、電郵地址、住址、郵寄地址及/或寄發賬單的地址;

  • 你的商業資料,如公司的名稱及職銜;

  • 你的賬戶資料,如信用卡賬戶號碼或用戶賬號;

  • 你的付款交易詳情;

  • 你的電腦或移動裝置IP地址、即時位置資料、瀏覽器設定、瀏覽紀錄及/或其他互聯網記錄的資料。





  • 具管轄權的法院、執法機關、或其他政府法定或監管部門、機構或組織

  • 任何對本公司有保密責任的其他人士,包括已承諾保密該等資料的公司集團成員、資訊科技顧問、資料處理承辦商、審計師、會計師、或律師














使用「曲奇」檔案 (COOKIES)


  • 在你瀏覽本網頁及移動應用程式時辨認你的身分

  • 取得有關你喜好的資料、查閱及瀏覽行為、網上活動及互聯網的使用情況

  • 持續追蹤你購物籃內儲存的項目,協助你通過結賬的手續

  • 進行研究及統計分析,協助我們改善服務,更了解訪客及訪客的要求及興趣

  • 使你的網上活動更有效率,體驗更佳

  • 出於安全需求和詐欺防範之目的,以及辨識和預防網路攻擊






本私隱政策聲明只適用於本公司網頁及移動應用程式。我們網頁及移動應用程式可能載有通往其他網址及網頁的連線點。 每當你啟動任何此等連線網址,例如點選任何廣告客戶的連線欄目,你即已離開了我們的網址及移動應用程式;而你在離開我們網址及移動應用程式後向任何其他團體提供的任何個人資料或任何其他資料,一概不在本公司的管控範圍內。 你須承擔一切瀏覽或使用其他網址的風險。











門巿 Our Shop:

地址 Address

九龍深水埗青山道 64 號 名人商業中心 903室

Room 903, Celebrity Commercial Centre, 64 Castle Peak Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon. 

營業時間 Opening Hour

星期一至星期五  (Mon - Fri) : 1:00 pm - 8:30 pm

星期六及星期日  (Sat - Sun) : 休息 Closed

公眾假期 (Bank Holiday)   :將於Facebook 公佈 (To be announced on Facebook)

​​查詢 For Enquiry:WHATSAPP 5498 5966​​

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