Working environment or use application
*Select filters according to the working environment.
- Welding, fusing, melting work
- Tar mist / oil mist
- Water mists (Wet grinding)
- Paint work
- Prevention of the organic solvent poisoning
- Asbestos handling work
- Pesticide spraying (Wettable powder・dry powder)
- Particulate including heavy metals
- Sander work
- Grinder work
- Sand / rock dusts(Drilling, grinding)
- TW is a new style respirator which has no stress to replace filters. You can choose 2 series of filters. X series are light type filters, and they provide wider vision. T series are standard type filters, and they suit in daily work.
- 7 colors : White, Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Black.
- Built-in fit checker : Easy to fit check.
- Wider vision : New design which provides lower view due to the position of exhalation valve.
- Light & Compact.
- Available 3 size facepiece (S, M, L) for the size of wearer's face.
- No metal parts.
- Made of silicone rubber that is gentle on the skin. There is also a TW01C made of thermoplastic elastomer.
- Please purchase facepiece together with filters.
- 焊接、熔接、熔化作業
- 焦油霧/油霧
- 水霧(濕磨)
- 油漆工作
- 有機溶劑中毒的預防
- 石棉處理工作
- 噴灑農藥(可濕性粉劑・乾粉劑)
- 含有重金屬的顆粒物
- 砂光機工作
- 磨床工作
- 砂/岩粉(鑽孔、研磨)
- TW是一款新型呼吸器,無需更換濾網。您可以選擇2個系列的濾罐。 X系列是輕量形濾罐,擁有更廣闊視野。 T系列為標準型濾罐,適合日常工作。
- 7 種顏色:白色、紅色、藍色、粉紅色、黃色、橙色、黑色。
- 內建貼合檢查器:易於貼合檢查。
- 視野更寬:於新設計下,改良了呼氣閥的位置,從而令視野可望向更低的範圍。
- 輕巧緊湊。
- 提供 3 種尺寸的面罩(S、M、L),適合配戴者的臉部尺寸。
- 不含金屬部件。
- 由矽橡膠製成,對皮膚溫和。還有一種由熱塑性彈性體製成的TW01C。
- 請與過濾罐一起購買面罩。
重松製作所 TW01SC_BK 半面口罩